Greetings, readers!
My apologies for being rather quiet in November—I had a lot
going on with getting the Accursed RPG setting wrapped up and ready to send out
to the backers, plus I moved, plus I had some other writing things I had to do
in the meantime.
I definitely want to take a moment and point folks towards
the Gamer’s Tavern podcast. My co-host Darryl and I have had quite a few
interesting guests and topics on the show, and there’s a lot of things we
mention on the podcast that have to do with things I’ve talked about here on
Rogue Warden.
With all of that out of the way, this week’s post is going
to be one of my favorite bits: a top 10 list!
Now that the new generation of consoles are out on the
market, it’s a good time to take a look back at my library of games for the
XBOX 360 and pick out the ones that I felt were the best.
As a top 10 list, I’ll start with the bottom and go to the
top—although all of these games are amongst my favorites, you gotta start
Here’s my top 10 list of games for the
XBOX 360. Keep in mind that this is my personal list, based on my own experiences, so your mileage may vary.
#10: Farcry 3
Critical Hit: This game impressed me, and I’m not easy to
impress with first-person shooters. The gameplay was fun and inventive, and I
adore the stealth-action style that this game fosters—particularly with the
outpost assaults. I had been a big fan of the original Farcry, and felt very
disappointed in Farcry 2, so this installment was the last chance for the
franchise to reel me back in. It’s fair to say that it succeeded!
The story was interesting and the characters were fun,
especially one of the villains—Vaas and his monologue on madness is just
Critical Miss: I wish this game had a way to re-play the
outpost assaults, as they were easily one of the most fun things to do, but you
could only do them once. Re-play value would have been higher if I could go
back to the earlier outposts and try out some of my more advanced abilities. I
wanted more skills and more depth for growing my character, because I felt like
I peaked too early during the campaign. Hunting was fun, but soon lost its
Bonus Round: This game had a stand-alone DLC named “Blood
Dragon” that is completely awesome. It re-skins the entire game as a cheesy
80’s cyberpunk sci-fi VHS action movie, and it is fantastic. Neon dinosaurs,
cyber-hearts, and Michael Biehn as the main character mean that this DLC on its
own nearly made the list.
Gaming Connection: Farcry 3 has an interesting “heroes’
journey” that makes you question just whether you’ve become a hero in the end
or just another psychopath on the island. You can definitely feel your
character “levelling up” over time.
#9: Saint’s Row the Third

Critical Miss: Although the characters were memorable, the
story was a bit disappointing coming off of Saint’s Row 2—but I don’t see how
it could have been otherwise given the major shift in the game’s overall tone
and approach. Some of the missions to unlock areas of the game were less than
stellar, but overall I just can’t find a lot to complain about!
Bonus Round: Saints Row 2 is also part of the XBOX 360
generation, and it is a fantastic game in its own right, particularly in its approach
to the story. Make sure to check out the awesome voice acting by Michael Dorn!
Gaming Connection: Over the top action has never felt so
good. If I were running a game of Feng Shui, I would definitely have some crib
notes based on some of the action scenes in this game.
#8: Sleeping Dogs

Critical Miss: The soundtrack was a little tough to love,
most likely due to the nature of it being all Hong Kong music… I would have
loved a wider selection of music to drive with. Only a few of the characters
were really memorable, alas.
Gaming Connection: Much like Saint’s Row the Third, Sleeping
Dogs has a lot about it that works great for Feng Shui. Any game set in Hong
Kong gains a lot from playing this as well! Lastly, Sleeping Dogs has an
excellent narrative for organized crime, the police, and undercover
operations—if your game has any of these as a focus, Sleeping Dogs is going to
be a great inspiration.
Bonus Round: There’s a DLC that involves hungry ghosts,
hopping vampires, and tons of great Asian mythology!
#7: Dragon Age: Origins
Critical Hit: The first Dragon Age game was a bright star in
the constellation of console RPGs. Bioware provided some excellent characters,
an amazing story, and a particularly interesting take on “dark fantasy” that
hadn’t really been seen before. One thing that took my breath away with this
game were the difficult choices and moral quandaries that you were presented
with—it felt like Dragon Age was intentionally going for a game where you had
to agonize over some of the outcomes. In the end, all this effort led to an
excellent payoff.

Gaming Connection: Of course, Dragon Age has its very own
RPG published by Green Ronin… but there are tons of characters, quests, items
and stories that are very applicable to just about any fantasy RPG as well.
#6: Skyrim
Critical Hit: It’s difficult to describe just how amazing
Skyrim is if you haven’t played it. The stunning visuals display a very
interesting and unusual fantasy world—this is what I wanted to see when I
imagined the Rjurik Highlands from Birthright. Just looking around and finding
something else interesting over the next ridge was fun, and when you found a
pair of giants sitting around an enormous fire with their mammoths… well, that
was a very memorable moment. Skyrim was a game that I had to call other people
into the room to show them how beautiful it all was. I loved the quests, the
story, and the world that Skyrim immersed me in. The music and soundtrack are
also amazing!
Critical Miss: There are a few bugs in the game and odd
quirks (such some repetitive dialogue and the amazingly funny bit where if you
kill one chicken, everyone in town goes berserk), but other than that, there
isn’t much to complain about.
Gaming Connection: There are several actual dungeons in the
game, complete with traps, puzzles, and riddles. There’s an epic quest that
leads into the afterlife, and confrontations with truly impressive enemies.
Skyrim has tons of elements that would be an excellent fit for any fantasy RPG.
#5: Mass Effect 2
Critical Hit: When it comes to console RPGs, I think ME2 is
probably the king. It has an amazing story that escalates and raises the stakes
and builds the threat against the universe to a fever pitch. By the end of the
game I was literally on the edge of my seat. The characters are similarly
amazing, and there’s a huge cast of companions to choose from to share your
adventures with along the way.

Gaming Connection: Any sci-fi game would gain some great
inspiration from playing through ME2. It’s beyond me why there isn’t a Mass
Effect RPG or miniature game out there right now.
#4: Batman: Arkham City
Critical Hit: This game is a huge amount of fun, with
excellent gameplay, boss battles, and a very immersive open-world environment…
but by far the coolest thing about this game is being BATMAN. You get to
investigate for clues, find evidence, track down criminals, solve riddles, and
beat seven kinds of hell out of bad guys. You get to fly around, use all batman’s
gadgets, and even make a couple of important choices along the way. This game
is amazing, and a clear improvement over its already very impressive
Critical Miss: There is some odd hypersexualization of
catwoman going on in this game that makes me a bit uncomfortable during the
period where you’re forced to play as her. Other than that, I don’t really have
any flaws I can point out… this game is exceptionally good in almost every respect.
Gaming Connection: Any street-level superhero campaign would
benefit greatly from some of the areas, villains, and missions in this game.
The setting of Arkham city has some stunning visuals that would benefit any campaign
city facing a cataclysm or extreme urban blight.
Bonus Round: Batman: Arkham Asylum is this game’s
predecessor and was a total surprise. Arkham Asylum came out of left field and
proved that you CAN make a good Batman game. Arkham Asylum did have some flaws
(there was no reason to ever switch out of Detective Mode, for example), but it
was Rocksteady’s love letter to fans of Batman.
#3 Fallout: New Vegas
Critical Hit: I’ve always been a huge fan of the Fallout
series—I’ve played every single game for the franchise ever made (even some
truly, truly bad ones) and I have to say that New Vegas is one of the best
installments for someone like me. The characters were very memorable, the
storyline was interesting, and the post-apocalyptic vision of Las Vegas was one
that I’ll never forget. A strong game, New Vegas is made even stronger by its
DLC chapters that add on even more awesome places to visit in the wasteland.
Critical Miss: Again, this game is plagued with a series of
odd quirks and bugs that can really harm the experience, and there are some
storylines that just didn’t work as well as they were meant to. Overall though,
there’s not a lot to point to as flaws.
Gaming Connection: Any post-apocalyptic setting will find
some interesting things to riff off of from New Vegas. Gamma World, TORG,
Rifts, just to name a few, could certainly find some great bits and pieces that
would enhance a game.
Bonus Round: The “Old World Blues” DLC is worth buying the
game for on its own. Old World Blues is brilliant in every single way and I
simply can’t recommend it highly enough.
#2: Assassin’s Creed 2

Critical Miss: AC2 is nearly flawless – I’m struggling to
think of anything I didn’t like.
Gaming Connection: Playing a thief or assassin in another
game is where I’d draw a lot of inspiration from this game. The interesting
historical backdrop can be useful for games with similar technology, such as
many “steampunk” settings.
Bonus Round: Assassin’s Creed 2: Brotherhood. If AC2 is an 8 out of 10, then AC2: Brotherhood takes that
up to a 9.5 out of 10. Brotherhood added bonuses to just about every aspect of
the game, including some great missions where you recruit, train, and send out
other assassins on missions. AC2 Brotherhood is my benchmark for what makes an
expansion good.
#1: Borderlands 2

Critical Miss: Nearly flawless is one of the best
descriptions I can give for this game—it is a highly polished jewel in the
landscape of so-so shooters out there.
Gaming Connection: If you can’t find something fun for your
campaign to bring from BL2, there’s something wrong with you! There’s even an
entire DLC focused around tabletop RPGs, and bringing in any of the game’s more
prominent characters as an NPC into your campaign is nearly a guarantee of
adding something cool.
Bonus Round: SO MUCH DLC. 2K has been supporting the hell
out of BL2 with additional characters and block after block after block of
quality content. Granted, none of this DLC is free, but just the fact that you can
add so many more options and bonuses to your game through the offerings is
i like to play Farcry 3 game,
ReplyDeletethe graffic is excellent and gameplay is very good, so fun....
:-) . thanks alot
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