Greetings, readers – this week’s blog is all about another
topic I feel strongly about; managing freelancers. I’ve been very lucky in my
career to have worked with dozens of different freelance writers, editors,
artists and proofreaders on various projects from D20 to the Warhammer 40K
Roleplay system.
It is important to note that for the rest of this post I’m
going to be talking about freelance writers.
Working with freelancers is something I feel like I have
gained a lot of skill with over the years; many of my freelancers have gone on
to work full-time in the gaming industry, from writing novels to working
directly at a game company. I’ve even hired freelancers to work directly with
my development team!
However, especially in recent years, I’ve learned that there
are several game companies out there in the industry that just don’t understand
the finer points of dealing with freelancers. These people are not just a tool
in the toolbox; they’re not just something you talk to only when you have to.
They’re not just an expendable resource, and you can’t treat them as if there’s
an inexhaustible supply.
This is an awesome PC game, and inspired quite a bit of Rogue Trader. |
I’m not saying that freelancers need to be treated like
kings, but I am here to tell you how I’ve found success in the industry with
freelance writers.
Building Your Crew
Sometimes you don’t come into a situation with an existing
pool of freelance writers that you can count on. So the question is, where can
you find freelancers to write for your game?
At the Beginning
When you first get started as a developer and you need to
build your stable of freelancers, here are some methods that you can use:
Open Calls
Post an open call for writers on, your own game
company’s forums, and the like. Open Calls are my least preferred method, since
there is a risk of generating ill will in the community if you don’t accept a
potential writer and he happens to be active in the community you advertised
in. Secondly, open calls are, in my opinion, the least effective and least
professional method of acquiring new freelancers. All that having been said,
sometimes it is the only way.
An alternate method that I vastly prefer is one that
requires you to have an established game company and a game that is already out
there in the market.
Start up a contest with a prize for the winner – the contest
can be anything that requires a demonstration of writing skills; adventures,
new monsters, magic items, and so forth. The prize can and should be something
you can easily deliver, such as a free PDF of one of your products, or even
just featuring the winner’s creation on your website as part of the official
Contests are a great way to evaluate some potential freelancers
for your game. It’s really a trifecta; you build goodwill with your gamer
community, the competition means that people will be turning in their best
work, and the winner is rewarded with some free product right away.
I found a writer for the 40K RPG from a Dark Heresy
adventure contest that turned out to be one of our best and brightest; Andrea
Gausman. Not only did she turn in a great adventure, she ended up writing tons
of monsters and an entire adventure book on her own for the Deathwatch RPG.
My preferred method to find freelancers to work on a game is
networking; I find out who knows someone or has a friend-of-a-friend. I happen
to have a pretty extensive network that I’ve built up over 13+ years of working
in the game industry, and it’s been a godsend to me multiple times in the past.
Networking can be as simple as finding a game book you particularly liked and
looking at the credits page, then contacting those writers and asking them if
they’d be willing to do some writing for you. Even if they say no, there’s a
good chance they might know someone else who is actively looking for work.
Once You’re On the Road
Now, once you’ve got your game published and a company
website and some forums – all of which you should probably have if you don’t
already – there are other approaches you can take to find freelancers for your
No idea who Lone Canuck is, but I like their poster. |
If you’ve got a robust playtester program for your game (I’ll
cover managing playtesting in a future blog), you’ll be able to identify some
people with a deeper understanding of your game than the typical man on the
street. Some playtesters are just waiting for a chance to show you how much
they love your game. One advantage this approach has is that playtesters are
generally far more knowledgable about the ins and outs of your game. The
disadvantage is that figuring out which playtesters have promise doesn’t happen
quickly – it requires one or two complete playtesting cycles to really identify
the standouts.
Much like playtesters, anyone who takes the time to review
your game knows a lot about it. Also like playtesters, by checking out a
reviewer’s work, you can get a good idea of their basic writing skills and
understanding of what makes your game work (or even how other RPGs work in
This option is the most questionable on the list; forums can
be hives of scum and villainy and are as likely to present you with a toxic
waste of your time as with a hero who can come in and write some great text for
your game. However, I have to admit I’ve had some success with this approach. I
find that the best way to go is to find some promising writers on your forums
and then turn them into playtesters – if they do well with that, then you move
them up to the next step as new writers.
Organize your Crew
Ok, so once you’ve got some freelancers to manage, it’s time
to start getting things organized.
Test their skills
For a prospective writer, you should come up with a skills
test. This can be as simple as asking for a 500-word writing sample or as
elaborate as a constructed IP-quiz. In the end, you should have some way to
evaluate your writer before you put him on an assignment – you’re looking for
his facility with basic writing skills, rules knowledge, and understanding of
your game’s setting and IP.
Set Your Teams
I like to split up my freelancers into three groups; my
A-team, B-team, and C-team.
The A-team are the top writers, able to turn in quality work
on-time. The A-team is my first choice for any assignment. Most writers get
into the A-team after showing steady improvement over a year to two years of
From Link's RPG forums. |
The B-team are solid, skilled writers who are still working
on turning things in on time or have some minor quality issues. Most new
writers get into the B-team after three-to-six assignments. B-team writers are the
ones I use when my A-team is on another book or if I need something written to
fill in the holes.
The C-team is where new writers go at the beginning or those
I’m still not sure are able to perform up to standard. C-team writers are ones
I turn to on low-priority assignments (such as free PDF content for the website)
or the ones I use when my A-team and B-team are all busy (it’s happened!).
Make sure to check out the rest of the article, because
below I’ll be discussing how to build and grow your freelancers over time – eventually,
you want to get everyone working up the ladder and turning in A-team grade
Come up with a Freelancer Database
I find it to be very useful to have a database (usually done
in Excel or Numbers) listing each freelancer, detailing their skills (this can
be as simple as a yes/no box for Adventures, Lore, Rules, IP) and a notes
section for adding any future information – if you have a superstar, you can
note it there. If you have a guy who is always good but always late, make a
note. If you’re seeing a disturbing trend, make a note. I’m the kind of person
who forgets over time if I don’t write it down. Another good note is to put
down the last book they worked on. Don’t forget to note payment information;
some freelancers (especially those overseas) prefer paypal, whilst others
prefer checks. Lastly, I always put in a column listing the freelancer’s
current pay rate and which team he’s on.
Manage your Crew
Now you’ve got a crew of freelancers, you’ve figured out
what they’re good at, and you’ve got everything organized. What’s next?
Don’t Burn Them Out, Build Them Up
As you work with freelancers on projects, it will soon
become clear that certain people are skilled in certain areas – many freelancers
are good at writing lore (I would say it is the most common skill), whilst
others are better at writing rules (IMHO, the second most common). Some
freelancers have a talent for writing adventures, and a rare cherished few can
actually perform some development duties as well as finishing their own
Writing adventures is a completely different skillset from
writing lore. Writing clear, innovative, and balanced rules is a different
skillset than the first two categories.
I know some people who can do all three excellently, but
most freelancers are good at only one or two different categories.
However, it is very easy for a developer to assign all his
adventures to the writers who excel at adventures. It is common to assign all
your lore to your best lore guy, or your rules to your best rules guy. This is
often a good practice, but there is a danger that no developer should overlook:
Doing the same thing over and over again can be fatiguing
for a writer – even if you love writing the subject. Even if you’re really good
at it.
What I like to do is try and grow my freelancers in other
skillsets over time. Most of the time I would give a writer no more than three
assignments in a row for any given skill and then try him out on something
different. Owen Barnes is a great example of this; Owen is fantastic at writing
adventures, and I soon found myself relying on him time after time to write
adventures for the 40K RPG line. It wasn’t fair to Owen to keep him as “the
adventure guy,” and I soon started giving him other assignments – and he really
appreciated the change of pace! Owen became one of those multi-talented
freelancers I mentioned above, and I’m glad I didn’t burn him out on just
writing adventures.
Not exactly my favorite approach. |
Climbing the Ladder
My goal as a developer is to have the best set of
freelancers I can. Having better freelancers means having a higher quality of
writing in my books, so it’s a win-win situation.
As Neil Gaiman once said, when it comes to writing you can
get it fast, good, or cheap: pick any two.
Using that yardstick, what I look for in new writers is for
them to be fast and cheap.
To get to the B-team, I’m looking for good and cheap.
To get to the A-team, I’m looking for good and fast.
This is why the A-team guys get the highest per-word writing
rate. This is also why different rates are important – it gives the new writers
a yardstick to measure their progress!
I’ve noticed that some other companies in the industry play
a flat per-word rate that never, ever changes – and I think that’s highly
dangerous. A writer that is still making the same rate after two years (unless
that rate is the absolute highest it will go – and unfortunately, our industry
has a narrow range) is likely feeling frustrated at a lack of progress.
This means that I use my freelancer database to keep track
of a writer’s progression and try to keep in mind how long it has been since
their last increase in pay and what I can do to try and help them get to that
next level.
However, top-notch rates demands top-notch quality. What I
want is for all my writers to end up turning in A-team level work, so I try to
give them a lot of feedback on the assignments they turn in.
A distinct lack of good communication is the downfall of many RPG companies in
the market today – I’ve heard stories from other writers in the industry and I’ve
experienced it myself.
But if there’s anything I’ve learned in 13 years, it is that
communication is essential.
Your freelancers won’t ever get better if you don’t give
them feedback about their assignment – a developer should always try to make
some kind of comment to the freelancer about his work. This can be as simple as
a short message saying “good going,” or as extensive as a highlighted and
annotated return of the assignment. I’ve done both when it is required.
When I’m turning in a freelance writing assignment, it
always concerns me when there’s no communication from the developer afterwards –
unfortunately this is more common than you think.
The short version is this: feedback helps the freelancer get
better and helps him understand what you want out of the assignment.
Sanity Checks and Review Steps
Working with a freelancer is like working with a babysitter –
you’re giving them something precious and trusting them to do the right thing
with it. The right thing to do with a freelancer is like the old saying; “trust,
but verify.”
I like to build in review steps to every assignment. A
review step is a point at where the freelancer turns in something to the
developer so the developer gets an idea of where the freelancer is going with
it. Review steps exist as “sanity checks.” If a freelancer is heading in the
wrong direction or if the nature of the assignment hasn’t been clearly
communicated to the freelancer, the review step is the right time to take a
breath and get back on track.
Absolutely the worst thing that can happen with a writing
assignment is for the freelancer to write the entire thing and turn it in, only
for the end result to be completely unsuitable for the book. Review steps help
avoid this unpleasant outcome.
As you get more comfortable with your freelancers and you
understand where the A-team writers are coming from, you can relax a little on
the review steps. Typically, with a new writer or a C-team writer, I would have
three review steps: an outline, a first half turn-in, and a final turn-in. With
an A-team writer, there’s generally only an outline and the final turn-in,
since I know and trust my A-team to let me know if there’s any problems.
And that brings me to the last point about communication; as
a developer, your door needs to be always open.
I always let my freelancers know that they can ask me
questions any time, and that if there’s ever a concern or an issue coming up,
they shouldn’t hesitate to let me know. I never get angry if a freelancer tells
me he’s going to be late turning in his assignment – just the fact that he’s letting me know as soon as he can is a good sign.
Manage Assignments
When I give a freelancer an assignment, it is a two-step
process. First, I personally contact the freelancer in an e-mail and explain
what I’m looking for. This is the “pre-agreement,” where I spell out the word
count I’m looking for, the nature of the assignment, and the due date. The
intent is for the freelancer and the developer to be on the same page about all
professional expectations before a contract is sent out. One place you don’t
want to see any surprises is in a professional work-for-hire contract. As I
always say, clear communication is the key to keeping things going well between
developer and freelancers.
Follow up!
Freelancers thrive on structure, professionalism, and growth
– all things I’ve mentioned above. In addition, I want to build that personal
communication with my freelancers and understand how things are going from
them. One thing I worked on when I was with Fantasy Flight Games was checking
up with the freelancers about every 6 months to a year. This was fairly simple –
just a quick questionnaire asking about pay rates, comp copies, and
assignments, inviting them to give me any feedback they had. I discovered that
some freelancers weren’t getting their comp copies on time. I found out that
others were looking for some more variety in their assignments. This is
important information to know if you’re looking to build a stable of
freelancers who are going to stick with you and keep providing quality content. A developer needs to keep in mind that freelancers are professionals and people… and sometimes
friends… that deserve some respect.
How Not to Do It
Having worked for a lot of different companies, let me tell you about some practices
you should never, ever do.
Cattle Calls
Some companies simply have a freelancer mailing list and
post an assignment opportunity rather than making individual assignments. This
is not only unprofessional, it’s a bit insulting – you’re expecting freelancers
to monitor a chatter-filled channel for the chance to electronically wave their
hand frantically in the air for a shot at writing something. It’s unfair to
freelancers living in overseas time zones. As my friend
Jason Marker would put
it, this approach is “clown shoes.”
No Feedback
As mentioned above, silence is never a good sign from the
developer. It could mean your assignment was fine. It could mean you’ve been
fired and will never hear from the developer again! Keeping your freelancers in
the dark is the same as a mushroom – it’s just sitting in the shit.
Late or Missing Compensations
Proper credit in the book, comp copies of your work, and
above all – payment on time. If you can’t manage to provide these to your
freelancers, you don’t deserve to call yourself a developer.